Working as an adult, feeling like a kid
And if one asked you
which would be a dream(y) job,
wouldn’t working in Disneyland
be a good answer?
Age: 24
From: Athens, Greece
To: Paris, Disneyland
For: Work
1. How did you learn about this job opportunity?
“A friend of mine saw the
job on the Internet and sent me the link, as he knew I love traveling. Then I applied online and a few days
later they asked me for an interview. Some weeks later, they asked me to go in France and work in Disneyland.
I didn’t have a lot of time to think about it, everything happened very
2. How long did it last and where did you stay?
“I had a long-term
contract that lasted 7 months, from April to October. They offered me a house
next to Disneyland. There were more houses around for all the employees of Disneyland. The house was really nice and new but also empty.
From the first week, with my roommate and best friend there. Manuela, we
decorated it step by step and it became as if it had been our home for ages.”
3. The view from your window.
“There were two big
windows in my room… From the first I could see many trees and flowers. From the
other I could see the kitchen of my crazy Italian friends; Mark, Alessandro and Gianluca. From both windows I could see people passing by, and
sometimes there were crazy parties happening outside my window - it was fun!”
4. What were your “duties”?
“I was working in a
boutique called" Emporium", the biggest one in Main Street, in Disneyland. I was working as "conseil vente" that
means advising the guests- coming from all around the world- about the products, helping them to find what they want. I was also arranging the
boutique so that the boutique was always in a good condition. In addition, with
my colleagues we were making lists about the products that were consumed during
the day, so that next morning the boutique was full. We were also doing sales
and there were many competitions between all the colleagues and between the
other boutiques about who sold more. The competitions were also about quality;
that means how good we were treating the guests.”
5. The atmosphere in Disneyland.
“For a visitor the
atmosphere in Disneyland is magic. All the shops
and the restaurants are built in a way that make you feel that you live in the
most romantic period of time. The music all around Disneyland
makes you feel so relaxed and you forget all of your problems. The
attractions in the park make you feel like you become a kid aigain and the enthusiasm is so big that you're smiling all day long; just because you feel great. You feel you can't
wait to go to one more attraction, to eat candies, chocolates, popcorn and of
course the sweet apple candy. In Disneyland
people become a family, no matter the age, no matter which place of the
world they come from. Meeting all your favourite Disney cartoons,
bring you back in childhood when everyone was pure and happy. During work it’s
of course difficult to feel relaxed and enjoy everything, but still, you get the feeling.”
6. The staff and your company there.
“Millions people coming from all over the world and from all ages (you can't work if you are under 18 years old) work in Disneyland. In the boutique where I worked, we were around 50 employers. When I arrived I was told that I was the only Greek working there. At the beginning I was
stressed about that, but then I got used to it and I really
enjoyed working with people from Italy,
Portugal, France... Almost
all the Italian girls, some French people, one girl from Poland, one girl from Germany became my family there. We
had so much fun together, working or not, we laughed a lot -even if there were some really taugh days at work-, and talked about
everything. We
had a really good communication and they also learned some Greek
7. The best thing about this job.
“First of all, the fact
that this job gave me the opportunity to work abroad. Working abroad makes you
feel more independent, freer... Then, the fact that during this period I was
every day in contact with thousands of people from all over the world. I love to communicate with people and help them have a good day in Disneyland. In addition, I worked with people who didn't speak my language, so I had the chance to practice my English, French and Spanish... What
I also loved about this job is that I realized how people can be so different. There were many rude, not smiling people
and others who were very polite and simply happy! If will not forget some of the
last ones.”
8. A more difficult aspect of it…
“There were days
especially during June, July and August that there were too many people coming
in the boutique and I was feeling like I can’t breath... The one after the other
were asking me questions about everything; about the products but also general information about the park, the way back to their hotel etc;
and I had to be always patient, polite and helping them about everything in English,
French or Spanish. Helping them was a really nice feeling but at
the same time I was feeling exhausted.”
Montmartre |
9. How did you spend your non-working days.
“Well, if my working days
were good , my non-working days were great! The good thing was that my days off
were Saturday and Sunday… The same for my best friends at work and my roommate
Manuela. So, we were always planning our schedule together. We were always
ending our week with a drink at "Billy bob's bar" in Disneyland, and then continuing the night at home all
together. Then, Saturday afternoon we were meeting each other at the train
station to spend all the day in Paris... Making a walk in "Marrais', then
having a beer in St. Germain or a wine in Seine, or in a small corner next to
the Eiffel tower, and then eating Italian pizza or tartar in these beautiful
small restaurants in the centre of Paris.
We used to spend our Sunday in a museum or in an art gallery somewhere in Montmartre and then ending the day by walking many kilometers
in the city. Some Sundays we had pic-nics in "jardins du Luxembourg"
or by the lake next to our home. At lazy days we used to cook all
together at home or organize little parties. My non-working days were
always ending with me and my roommate Manuela, lying on the bed and laughing
about little or more important things that happened during our weekend.”
10. Disneyland in 3 words.
“magic, adventure,
11. Your favourite place/game in Disneyland.
Mountain, Buzz Ligtyear, Rock n’Roaller
Coaster, Tower of
Terror and Nemo in
Disney’s Studios. I loved them and I was going very often with my colleagues or
with friends that visited me from Greece.”
12. What people do not know about Disneyland…
“People may not often think that Disneyland is not just a huge park
of entertainment. It’s a huge company with people working for every detail of
the park.”
13. Images you do not get to see anywhere else…
“People laughing from
their hearts, forgetting their problems back in their homes… and of course that atmoesphere… with music and fireworks all over the park.”
14. A strong memory…
“So many memories! It’s
hard to choose one... I remember a little girl with “down syndrome” who wanted
the dress of a princess but we didn’t have it in her size. So, she started
crying and I called all the boutiques in the park and finally found it in
another shop. When I gave it to her she seemed really happy and I felt happy
too. It was the thing I loved more in this work: helping people to be happy,
even if it is for a small thing... A strong memory is also our last dinner in
New York Hotel in Disneyland with all my colleagues,
team leaders and manager , to say goodbye. There were mixed feelings after 7
months we spent all together. We had such a good time this night!”
15. What you will keep forever from this experience.
“The friends I made and all
our crazy moments together at work, but also at home and during our weekends in
Paris. They
were a second family for me; I will always remember that feeling of freedom
when you are thousand kilometers away from home.”
Paris |